Wade n Jeanette

Wade n Jeanette
At one of our work morale functions

Friday, April 8, 2011

Week 2 - My Week in Iraq

I was going to write about a pack of wild dogs outside of the camp - but it is kind of sad. And frankly, I don't want to be sad right now....so I will save that for another time....
So, I had a great week! (well, at least about as great as you can have working 80+ hours a week in a war zone....) How about you? It has been sunny and in the mid-90's for most of the week.
Okay, for those of you who don't know - (and I imagine that is most of you - as I had no clue....) - India is playing in the world cup....the "yahoo" web site I get is the "middle eastern version" - meaning there is a lot of specialized middle eastern stuff they put on the yahoo home page (which I access when I go to check my email). So I keep seeing this thing on the Yahoo page that says "MODEL will STRIP if India wins the World Cup" (now, this is about as racy as I am going to get - because my pastors, my mother, and my grand daughters are all reading this....) - but I am thinking....India SUCKS at Soccer and the World Cup is not for a year or two....This lady is going to be in her 80's or 90's before she has to bear it all.....but apparently, they are talking about the CRICKET World Cup. And India is the favorite. OOooohhh. Now I get it.
Okay, so I go get dinner at the DFAC and I am watching the cricket thing on Armed Forces Network (the only thing that is on). Now I know how my wife feels when I watch football... ...what are these guys doing??? A very friendly Brit comes and sits down next to me and asks me if I follow cricket.....I have no idea what I am looking at. The pitcher throws the ball in the dirt and aims for the batter's feet. The guy swings wildly and fouls the ball off to the side.....and...the crowd.....goes....BERSERK! The Brit looks at me (I have no idea what just happened) and is telling me something about a wobbly wicket or a googly gaggle - I don't know...all of the cafeteria workers (90% are from India) are whooping and hollering. What just went on? Why is everyone celebrating when the batter just fouled it off? So the Brit tells me India just won 274 to 277. (pause here....while I look at Brit confusedly...274 to 277??.).  So I say the only thing I can think of. "So it was a real defensive struggle, eh?" 
Anyrate, I think I will give up on cricket for awhile. I also got to go "visit" some Iraqi Marines this week. I volunteered to go help these guys because their US counterparts (i.e. the USMC) wants them to have better digs....and let's face it.....  Giving people better digs is what I do. So I go with our guys and these poor Iraqi soldiers - God bless them - they are living in tents and wooden shacks with no AC. They were sleeping on the ground - with no facilities at all, but USMC troops saw the conditions and took action. I will tell you right now...the Iraqi soldiers do this because they love their country. Don't tell me that they aren't sacrificing - or they are only working for the military cause there are no jobs. These guys are out their training, cleaning and doing the best they can with what little they have because of that love of country. You know what I thought of as I was walking around?  How George Washington had so few soldiers with him at Valley Forge - and putting up with terrible winter conditions and no food. I wonder if in 200 years, people will be talking about these guys and celebrate what bravery they have.
And you know what else? I am SO PROUD of those darn US Marines. They go over to the Iraqi Marine compound and work (physical work - digging, welding, lifting, etc. in this heat) and help these guys out. THEY DON'T HAVE TO!!! They could sit around in their air conditioned vehicles and hang around - but instead, they go out and work and solicit anyone to help that they can. 
So any rate, I am trying to help the Iraqis with an Infrastructure plan. They have no clue about sewer lines or keeping eating areas away from cleaning areas, etc. (let's face it - they are Marines - NOT civil engineers.) One of the photos I am including, #1409, is me with an Iraqi "captain" equivalent. 
FYI, we were standing in the BX and that is probably the nicest facility on the base. Now, there were a LOT of gross photos i could show you (again, see the comment above about Pastors, moms and granddaughters) - but I will show you one that is not that bad...#1380...this is the "2-holer" that the Iraqis are living with. (And yes, that is the way the toilet is supposed to be)...the beige tank in the back is not for flushing - that is for a sink that is on the side (heated by the sun...).  The waste goes straight into a hole. And remember....for them, this is an upgrade.

Now, one of the USMC lieutenants that took me out to the Iraqi compound is a really good guy - his first name is Dan. So I start calling him "Lieutenant Dan" (like from Forrest Gump) - and one reason I do this (as most of you know) is that I am terrible with remembering people's names. I thought this would be old hat for him - he probably has heard that a million times - but no...it is like a first. Well all of the other Marines pick up on it - and of course, Lt. Dan loves it - so now I am trying to come up with similar names for the rest of the Marines. But remember, these guys are taught to kill (and do it quickly and efficiently) - so they have to be good, respectful nicknames (which I would do anyway, cause they are good, respectful young men). And if I haven't said so before, I will say it again, what a great country we have that would raise up these selfless young men and women.
Okay, I wasn't going to include this last photo 

- but I wanted to show you (#1453) a pic with me and some of the Iraqi workers (they are working on the boat behind us). The little round guy on the end (not the little round guy in the middle...) - but the little round guy on the end couldn't speak much English...but he said (very proudly) "I am...The BUFFER!" I think you can see it in his face and stance. HE IS the BUFFER! And he was very proud of his work. You know what "the buffer" does? He sands the paint and primer off the boat. I took a copy of this photo and gave to him - so he could show his wife and kids. You know why I did that Because he is one darn proud buffer. Don't forget that. I know I won't.
Well, I have gone on for a bit longer than I planned....but I love sharing this with you all - and I hope you enjoy the stories. I will leave you with my "tasking" from Jeanette when I left for Iraq.....work hard, play hard, have a good time, stay safe and share your adventure with me. Yes, Dear.
God Bless America

1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog, and I am so glad I did. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Will be looking for more stories and plan to follow you throughout the year. Stay safe. Thanks for sharing. Love you brother.
